Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Laura's Plastic Desert Mix

This mixtape was created by the ever-lovely Laura Ledbetter! If you recall, Laura paid me a visit waaay back when the softball season was just starting and many of her pictures documenting the visit graced this blog ... well HERE is Laura's blog, Bits And Pieces, filled with many a beautiful photograph, amongst other curiosities and wonderments!

and now (drumroll, please) HERE is her rather incredible midsummery mix. I think this is the 24th mix I've posted, and if it is, it was she who made me realize that if I wanted to, I can now play a different mix on the hour for an entire 24 hour day ... haha!

I dedicate the below video to Laura for her birthday (which was yesterday!) ... I only wish that it did the song justice!


So ... both Art Walk and my show at Boutwell Studio ("Ghosts & Hybrids") are creeeeping up, so I've been pretty busy in the art room, on top of finishing (and starting!) a few commissioned paintings here and there ... a nice (and wonderful) break from all this work was when David and Hayley called me out of the blue and asked me if I wanted to go with them and Hayley's best friend, Katie to Little River Canyon, which is in Fort Payne, AL ... I said okay, and I'm so glad I did ... Little River Canyon is one of the most beautiful places to behold in Alabama ... it's probably the best and most relaxing swimming hole as well ... you can see the photographic evidence down below

Also, before I stop typing, there are two new music videos out that I think are pretty incredible by bands that I think are equally incredible ... the 1st is the new video by The Hidden Cameras for their new song "In The NA" ... you can watch it below:

The other one is YACHT's video for their new song "Psychic City (Voodoo City)" :

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Elise's Beaches On Foreign Lands Mix

This mixtape was created by my best friend, sister and amazing artist, Elise McClellan Lenard ... check out some of her creations on her "Junkamongus" Etsy page HERE. Elise not only provided the music but also all the lovely beach-type photos above & below! She'll actually be in town (visiting from Mobile) at the end of the month to deliver some craaaazy-good lamps she made to Naked Art Gallery where she exhibits locally. You can see some of her delightful puppets and more HERE.

HERE is her mix, for your relaxing summery listening pleasure.


I don't have much else to report, really ... it's been one of those slow, not-much-happening weeks, especially since everything softball is on hiatus ... I did get my window repaired and had a new car stereo and speakers installed, which hurt my pocketbook, but I'm veeeery happy to have music in the truck again!

I've lately been working on some experimental new paintings for a show I have opening Sept. 4th at Boutwell Studios here in town ... the show's called "Ghosts & Hybrids" and sort of mixes my painting style with my drawing style (if that makes any kind of sense!) ... I also have Artwalk coming up in September so August is gonna have to be official "Super Productive" month!

Also, later today I was wearing a Holy Fuck T-shirt when I walked into Crestwood Coffee and was told by an infuriated red-faced old man that
A. He did not like it at all
B. It's "in bad taste"
C. It's "OK to wear in your backyard, but not here"

I then posted the above paragraph as my facebook status and woke up from a nap to find that 34 comments had been posted about it, with mostly people arguing back & forth about the power of the freedom of speech! FYI, Holy Fuck is an awesome Canadian instrumental band ... my friend Matt is the drummer ... the shirt also sports a kitten wearing a cowboy hat and bandana ...

anyway, it's one of those shirts that one sometimes forgets might be offensive to others ... I explained it's a band to the old man, but we wasn't having any of it ... haha!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brian's Xmas In July Mix

This mixtape was created by the illustrious Brian Teasley, the man responsible for getting soooo many amazing national acts to Birmingham via his production company, Secret History Productions. I can't say that this mix is actually Chrismassy in any respect. It is however, very much so ... kick-ass! Brian even typed out an entire set of liner notes to accompany the music (they are included with the download) ... This is what he has to say about his mix:

"Whether undeniably great or unlistenable, compilations can be murderous weapons—at least for me. Not that I’ve ever escaped being nearly stabbed to death by the dull edge of a TDK 90, but making a compilation is sort of the auditory version of passing a kidney stone. And I don’t know if you know this, but when you pass a kidney stone, you pee blood: that is to say, blood spews from your penis because something sharper than a diamond’s titty has jaggedly pierced the tender lining of your urinary tract. Make sense?"

Um ... well ... YESH!
Anyway, there's literally TONS more in the liner notes ... You can enjoy all of it right HERE.

Lafayette's own Krewe of Doom team

The trip to Lafayette was pretty amazing ... the folks in the Krewe Of Doom team (especially Pudd, Chris, Alyce, Robin and Mike) took Southern hospitality to a new level, treating us not only to great places to stay over and party, but to some spectacular food and friendship ... they also treated us to:

A. some quality gator spotting
B. a BB gun can shooting match
C. a drive-through daiquiri shack
D. an intense living room dance party
E. 4 hours of softball in Lafayette, Louisiana!

The game was INTENSE ... they ended up winning 19 - 18 ... pretty impressive, since it was their 1ST GAME EVER! The most important fact is that the game, on top of everything else was EXTREMELY FUN!!! (video footage coming soon!) We can't wait for the Krewe to visit the Ham (possibly as early as this September!)


The only down-side to this entire entry is that when I returned home from all the excitement, I discovered that my truck's passenger window had been completely smashed out and my cheap car stereo was gone ... quite a buzz-killer, it was! Anyway, there really was nothing else of value in the truck, so I think I'll just get a detachable-front stereo and leave my doors unlocked from now on ... ARGH!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunny Water Bill Mix

This mixtape will be perfect for:
A. a beach trip
B. a trip anywhere
C. escaping
D. jumping into a swimming pool or river
E. driving on a hot summer day

HERE it is for your mid-summer listening pleasure.

(click the photo to see larger version)

UPDATE: well, technically I guess I'm cheating because I'm typing this the day AFTER Psychic Tuesday, but The Bearons are playing a game in Lafayette,LA this weekend, so I figured I'd tell you about last nite's game ... we ended up losing, but it was "fan appreciation night" and boy were they crazy! There was a "fan appreciation picnic" beforehand and, thanks to Merrilee, the sangria flowed freely! Anyway, after the game, we invited the fans to join us in our 3rd portrait (taken by awesome photographer, Cary Norton) which you see above.

my parents!

I just returned from a 3 day trip to Mobile and Dauphin Island to visit my folks and to celebrate the 4th of July with Elise & Marc and clan ... what a long weekend! The only thing missing I think from such a nice weekend was the fact that I never got to jump into the ocean and swim...We were close to the beach on Dauphin Island, but it was a 5 minute walk and everyone at the celebration wanted to stay inland ... that said, I still feel a huge craving for the beach and then ocean ... an unsatisfied longing, if you will...

It was a nice visit and much needed "escape" from Birmingham ... on 4th of July night there were some spectacular fireworks on the island (I used one for the mixtape cover) ...

Bearons-wise, I'm  sort of sad that the Spring '09 softball season has ended ... I never dreamed that I'd end up on a softball team! I'm glad we still have the Louisiana game and the tournament thing ... I highly look forward to the Fall season!


Below are photos from a thriftstore trip right before I went back to Birmingham ... We also made several "thriftstore fantasies", which are included beneath the photos.

Grant being all smiley

The top of Nolan's head

Elise imitates yellow bird #1

Elise imitates yellow bird #2

Elise imitates yellow bird #3

HERE are the Mobile thriftstore fantasies we made.