Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Piping Hot {Feb. '13}

Back in 2012, I started a series called 'Piping Hot' where, at the end of each month I collect (from that particular month) all of the hot, fresh, brand-new songs that I can find from not only bands and musicians I already know and love, but (especially) from bands and musicians I've just discovered.

February '13 had some intense and exquisite offerings ... This may be my favorite of the 'Piping Hot' mixtapes so far, simply because I'm so proud of the way that all the tracks connect and run into eachother! It's a perfectly exciting and rather erratic 'soundtrack' for the approach of an early Spring!

As always, 

*** ENJOY!!! *** "

You can download the mixtape RIGHT HERE.

The track list is HERE.

1st up, it's the last Tuesday of the the month, so VOILA!
Here's episode 2 of my "internet TV show"!!!

2ndly, dig this excellent KONTENT mix by Doldrums .... It's got techno beats galore! (His debut album "Lesser Evil" was released TODAY!)


You can check out the track list RIGHT HERE.

And 3rdly, John Wendel posted (thanky!) a most wonderful documentary about the birth of electronic music :

Speaking of John Wendel, he also posted an entire concert by the incredible band, The Fall at The Hacienda club way back in 1984 ... Cheers, John!

Next, we have some pure VHS bliss from Blanche Blanche Blanche

Elise sent DIIV's  new "slice of life" style super 8 video chock for of (NSFW) boobies! haha ... Gracias, E!!!

Chris Stewart posted this strange and beautiful video called 'A Purge Of Dissidents' ... Danke!

A new one from Junip ... for such a pretty song, there's plenty of creepy and uncomfortable moments

Maximillion Dunbar (on this weeks' mix!) presents some very colorful and simply joyous moments

Speaking of colorful, here's Ensemble Economique ... pure music meets pure art!

Wow. Here's ex-Kraftwerk member Karl Bartos with "Atonium"

The new one from Cankun is quite nebulous & very aquatic

And finally, here is one of People Like Us (vicki Bennett)'s many film collages, "The Cinematic Gaze"

This could have been included in the video section, but it is far to funny and bizarre!
Here here, Ssion!!!

An (already annoying) old commercial turned completely mental!!!

And fianlly, my brother Peter sent this very insane version of Queen's "A Bohemian Rhapsody" ... Haha!!! Merci, brother!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ryan Hora presents Precipitation Recommendations

1st of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Psychic Tuesday!!!
Believe or not, we are now FOUR years old!

To celebrate, this week we have a very wet and very weather-oriented mixtape created by the one and only Ryan Hora, and it's such a good'un that you'll want play it whether it's raining, shining or blizzarding!

Ryan says : 

 "This isn't really a personal mix. It was merely inspired by all the torrential downpours we've been having day after day here in Birmingham. So, instead of letting all the grey weather bring me down, I decided to make a sort of soundtrack that would let me enjoy it rather than detest it."

As always 
*** ENJOY ***

You can download the mixtape RIGHT HERE.
The track list is HERE.

And if that wasn't enough, Ryan also hopes you will ENJOY these choice photos he picked out that may or may not be related to the mix (!!!)

Andy Stewart of the excellent Birmingham label, Step Pepper Records wants you to know that they have a new FREE sampler out!!! 

You can download the sampler RIGHT HERE and  witness the lovely trailer for it below!


Ryan recommends these 2 rather nice Doldrums video:



Next, a deeply strange (but wonderful) Local Natives video

It's TV gone wrong with Pissed Jeans

Hey! It's a new one by Kurt Vile!

Some slo-mo drama, care of Wild Nothing

Take a trip to Denmark with MØ 

Some lovely psychedelia with Omebi

Oh to be young in a derelict building! Black Marble takes us there

Haha!!! Witness this hilarious old short film called "Tater Tomater" ... Watch it over and over if you like!!!

Andy Stewart posted this next bit of fun ...thanks, Andy!!!

And finally, we bring you  ... "The Scared Is Scared" ... Here here!