Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cassette Commotion! program 2 (Blues Before Sunrise)

Here is the 2nd installment of the "Cassette Commotion" radio show where I explore tons of my long abandoned box of cassette tapes. On this program we hear a tape that I made with various songs I recorded many moons ago from the wonderfully unique and educational radio program, "Blues Before Sunrise" (hosted by Steve Cushing).

Each week, in the wee hours of Sunday morning (midnight - 5am) this awesome show is broadcast on certain stations (HERE is a list of the stations that broadcast it). The program showcases obscure blues records from way back when (the early 1900's to the late 60's mostly). I discovered the show quite a while back and started taping the episodes to collect some of the fascinating songs and rare pieces of American musical history. Many of the shows are themed (rain, Halloween, floods, whiskey, ice & snow, the moon) which always makes the experience more interesting.

The show still airs to this day. Just look up one of those public radio stations on that list above and you can listen online (just stay up late one Saturday night!) ...

Anyway, this is just one example of the many cassettes I have of the show (unfortunately I didn't tape any of the host, Steve Cushing's inbetween banter which is always extremely interesting and insightful) Also, I didn't catch the artists and titles for some of the tracks, so if yer a Blues expert and can enlighten me, it'd be greatly appreciated!

So here it is ... the Blues Before Sunrise edition of "Cassette Commotion!" ... ENJOY  =

You may download the show RIGHT HERE.


And now for a bit of random news ...

If you like Grimes at all (which I do!), Ryan sent me this great Grimes interview/performance on NPR link! have a listen right HERE! Thanks, Ryan!

Ryan also sent me this hilarious "12 Ways To Achieve The Very Best Glamour Shot" link ... haha ... You can enjoy that HERE.

Jimmy Gordon posted this link about "500 New Fairytales Discovered In Germany" ... Wow! You can read it HERE. Thanks, Jimmy!

And lastly, it's that time of year again! The Magic City Art Connection festival is THIS WEEKEND (April 27th - 29th) at Linn Park here in beautiful Birmingham, Alabama ... I'll be in tent 234, so swing by and say hello!

Here's some works in progress =

I'll also have these T-shirts for sale at the festival ... Thanks to Jacob Middlebrooks for the awesome printing job!



1st up, this new Liars video is creeeepy! And the song is soooo good! Dig =

And here's the new Mo Kolours video, "Banana Wine" ... Yes! =

Some awesomeness care of The Spinto Band =

Some truly wonderful animated bliss from The Flaming Lips & Prefuse 73 =

Here's a spastically fast paced collage-filled new Death Grips video =

Something quite beautiful from Zambri =

And now for a spot of laugh-out-loud dessert =

1stly Ryan sent me this total crap video by Double Take called "Hot Problems" ... and yes, they're serious (which is what makes it so damned funny!) ... Cheers, R! =

Ryan also sent me this great Enon clip from Yo Gabba Gabba ... Thankers! =

One more from Ryan (gracias!) ... this will make you feel "fantastic" ... haha =

Ever heard of Dominatrix? ... Just watch ... The 80's at their most ridiculous ... haha =

And finally (speaking of ridiculious), sit back and take in this quaint bit of performance art ... Enjoy! =

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ryan Hora presents Focal Point : Xiu Xiu

This month's focal point (the beautifully bizarre Xiu Xiu) is the 1st ever to be presented by someone other than myself ... and that particular someone is the one & only Ryan Hora!

If you are unfamiliar with Xiu Xiu, here's Ryan to enlighten you ...

"Xiu Xiu (named after the Chinese film "Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl") is the musical project of singer/songwriter Jamie Stewart, who has made an artform out of his genre-defying brand of deconstructed and fragmented pop songs.

Throughout Xiu Xiu's existence, Stewart has been the only constant member, although several other musicians have joined, left and rejoined the group at different times.

The group's utterly original brand of percussion-heavy experimental/electronic/avant-garde/post-punk/post-pop dance music is as challenging and uncompromising as it is powerful and breathtaking. The music, often seemingly autobiographical and documentative, is brutally honest and deals with issues such as social politics, sexual identity and sexual trauma, personal anguish and crisis, and self-torture/torment.

Xiu Xiu allows Jamie Stewart to expose himself emotionally, in a way that most singers wouldn't dare. His vulnerable vocal delivery and sometimes sadistic lyrics are just as important as his attention to detail when it comes to song construction, composition and intricate instrumentation. Restraint is not a word in Stewart's vocabulary, and that is one of the reasons that the music is so powerful. For some, the music's confessional quality instantly grabs hold, while for others, it is an acquired taste."

That said, prepare yourself for the extremely intense experience that is Jamie Stewart...

Thanks a billion, Ryan for sharing Xiu Xiu with us!

You can download the mix RIGHT HERE.

Ryan also picked out a TON of Xiu Xiu videos for your viewing pleasure! =


>>>>>}VIDEO TIME IS HERE{<<<<<

1st up, this one by Thundercat is the best video I've seen in a while ... I love how subtle it is! =

Here is a sincerely touching video of an old man in nursing home reacting to music of his era ... grab a hanky and watch! =

Some pure tUnE-yArDs awesomeness =

I love this 'un by Amadou & Miriam =

A flashy new Squarepusher video =

Chris Stewart sent me this rather intense clip by FREE DILDA ...Thanks, Chris! =

David Faust posted this excellent Beatles documentary from the '80's called "The Compleat Beatles" ... Cheers! =

And Walker Yancey posted this nutty excorism documentary from the Nation Geographic channel ... danke, Walker! =

How 'bout a triple decker dose of dessert?!?

Travis Swinford posted this funny one by local rappers, The Green Seed ... Gracias,Travis! =

Ryan sent me this silly slow-motion water balloon clip ... Thankers! =

And lastly, Justin Thurberville posted this ridiculously religious one starring one so-called Reverend Billy ... Merci! =

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chris Stewart's Magical Mechanical mixtape

What do we have for you at Psychic Tuesday this week? Why, it's a colossal, congenial cacophony of early "computer" compositions by non other than Chris Stewart!

Listening to this mix makes me remember how strange and silly and foreign the idea of computers seemed to me back in the 1980's and even the early '90's ... The idea of their existence was in my head, but I only equated them with music and video games. Little did we know that computers would some day be an integral part of our everyday lives!

About the mix ... it's creator, Chris says =

"This highly energized mix will blow your fuses. Lots of early synths and dance beats and robot voices. Great for parties and working hard."

You can check out his amazing artwork on his blog, "typeitasoneword".

Thanks again for another fantastic audio experience, Chris!

And now ... get ready for a mega menagerie of magical and mechanical moments =

You may download the mix HERE.

Chris posted a crazy video for Bill Nelson's "Do You Dream In Colour?" which makes an "appearance" on the mix ... ENJOY! =


In a bit of random news, Elise sent this wonderful "paradise parking" link full of photos (taken by Peter Lippmann) of nature devouring some beautiful old cars ... You can take a look at 'em RIGHT HERE. Thanks, E!!!

Also, if you like Morrissey at all, John Wendel sent me this 2009 edition of the BBC Radio "Desert Island Discs" program, starring Moz ... You can listen to it HERE. Cheers, John!


This coming Wednesday (April 11th), my band Nowhere Squares will have the privilege to open up for Hunx (of Hunx & His Punx) at Bottletree ... Natural Child will also be on the bill ... It should be a rockin' good time! Come out!!!

Here's a taste of Hunx =

Speaking of Hunx, he's included in THIS list of "10 queer indie rockers you should know" ... Here here!!!


>>>>>Time for some VIDEO ACTION<<<<<

1st up, in this new terrifyingly entertaining Jack White one, watch as today's youth goes totally insane! =

Tom Bonner posted this funny bit from 2007 by Black Moth Super Rainbow ... thanks, Tom! =

Speaking of BMSR, here's a nutty one from their leader, Tobacco =

This next one's for Ryan cuz he loves Xiu Xiu so much =

And here's a double dose of Solar Bears =

A nice Death trip with Unknown Mortal Orchestra =

>>>Dessert Dessert Dessert<<<

Peter sent me this one and the best part is definitely the accent ... Cheers, brother! =

I laughed out loud at this one by Van She! =

This one from Ryan (gracias!) is actually more gross than funny .. Bear witness =

Being an old Jazz lover, I just can't get enough of this pure bliss from Slim & Slam! =

Easter has come and gone, but I had to close with this delicious bit of nostalgia =