Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Piping Hot {new music} May '13

Here is the latest in a series I call the "Piping Hot" series where, at the end of each month I collect (from that particular month) all of the hot, fresh, brand new songs that I can find from not only bands and musicians I already know and love, but also bands and musicians I've just discovered. 

May 2013 offered a smorgasbord of sonic wonderments, especially on the electronic side of things. 

Exciting times for the ears! Here here!!! 

 As always, 

*** Enjoy *** 

If you'd like to download the mix, you can RIGHT HERE.

The track list can be found HERE.


I have a new art exhibit opening up in Huntsville, AL this Friday!
It's called "Impaired Visions". It's at Lowe Mill and it'll be up until July 7th.

The opening reception is THIS Friday, May 31st, 6-8pm

Also, if yer in Huntsville this Thursday, I'll be eating and speaking at a "meet the artist" luncheon at Lowe Mill ... More info can be found right HERE.


It's the last Tuesday of May, and that can mean no other thing (besides a new "Piping Hot Mix") but a brand new Psychic Tuesday episode!
This show is getting stranger and stranger!

*** ENJOY ***


Zebra Katz has created an mind-boggling mixtape full dark beats, sinister rapping and insane sound collages! Dig it!

Speaking of mixtapes, below is an incredible one by Tame Impala's leader ... it's called Kevin Parker's Island Getaway!


Here is a great recent interview with Billy Childish , who is one of my biggest heroes 

YES! Something new by Dirty Beaches!

Hurrah! Something new by Boards Of Canada!

Paw Paw presents the ambience of color slides as they burn and fade...

Grizzly Bear recently played on the Ellen show (of all places!)

It's a game of Musical Mouths with Shit Robot!

Dylan Ettinger takes us on a colorful TV-screen trip, complete with a young David Lynch cameo!

A quiet and beautiful night video from Julia Holter

Speaking of quiet and beautiful, take in this 'un by Colleen

And finally, this Peals videos is like a surreal cooking show!

1stly, Ryan sent two doses of The Divine David! Haha!
 Cheers, R ...
*** happy THREE years!!! ***

Speaking of David, here's David Lynch's awesome performance on "Louie"!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Focal Point : Sun Ra


Sun Ra's birthday is TOMORROW! 
Who is Sun Ra, you ask? 

Sun Ra was a prolific jazz leader (born in Birmingham, AL) known for his "cosmic philosophy," musical compositions and performances. He is a 1979 inductee of the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame. 

In 1936 or 1937, in the midst of deep religious concentration, Sun Ra claimed that a bright light appeared around him, and, as he later said " I went up … I wasn't in human form … I landed on a planet that I identified as Saturn ... They told me that the world was going into complete chaos … I would speak [through music], and the world would listen." 

From the mid-1950s to his death, Sun Ra led his "Arkestra" (a deliberate re-spelling of "orchestra"). The Arkestra's cosmic sounds were ever-changing, ever-evolving. 

A lot of Sun Ra's music is ... well ... out there ... and may seem a little too chaotic and untamed for the unprepared ear. So in this mix, I balanced everything out by weaving in and out of the chaos with Sun Ra's more melodic compositions.

 As always, 

*** Enjoy *** 

If you'd like to download the mix, you can RIGHT HERE.

The track list can be found HERE.

And now, a few choice Sun Ra videos :

This one's quite informative

 This one's beyond entertaining!

And this one's OUT THERE!!!


and now for some Sun Ra-filled


I designed the new Tshirts for the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame!
And Sun Ra's image is on em!!!


Speaking of the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame, on June 7th at 7pm, there'll be a huge Sun Ra Celebration !!! HERE is the facebook event page and below is the amazing poster, which was designed by Beth Ragland and Chris Stewart (two of our very own Psychic Tuesday mixmasters!)Here HERE!!!

Speaking of Sun Ra celebrations, at Bottletree THIS SATURDAY, May 25th at 8pm, there'll be a Sun Ra tribute night called "Spaceship Saturn ~ Celebrating Sun Ra’s Original Arrival"


And lastly but not leastly, check out THIS list of the 11 greatest science fiction themed bands! Sun Ra is number 5 and Alabama's own Man or Astroman? is number 1 !!!  Yee haw!!!

1stly, I just found out that the lead singer of Majical Cloudz is the son of the actor who played Windham Earle on David Lynch's awesome TV show "Twin Peaks" ! Here he is playing the old father character in his own son's music video ...

Drugs, anyone? If it's like this, no thanks! No Joy ...

Speaking of drugs, here is an extremely trippy affair from Young Galaxy

Melody 's Echo Chamber ... Some girls are almost prettier than drag queens!

Here's what Thurston Moore's been doing since Sonic Youth broke up

Oh how I love the following short film!
It's Maya Deren's  "At Land" with Jonny Greenwood's music for the soundtrack!

Speaking of short films, Kathleen O'Dwyer posted the wonderfully surreal "Book Of Days" by Meredith Monk ... Cheers, Kathleen!

Elise sent 2 gems ... Thanky, E!!!

1. Mmmm! Sour Death Balls!

2. Why drive safely when you can drive deplorably?!

Haha!!! Ryan sent this train wreck of a video called "Tan Mom"!
Muchos gracias, R!!!

This last one is not funny ... it's just absolutely 100 % amazing!