This is more or less the dramatic sequel to the "A Very Mental Christmas!" mixtape ...
Collecting Christmas music for many years will sooner or later make one realize that there are some particular holiday songs out there that are, well ... just plain strange!
This playlist attempts to gather as many of these 'misfit' seasonal tunes together and give them a place of acceptance!
If you are bored of all of the stereotypical, over-played Christmas songs out there, this mix is for you!
Get ready for something completely different!
I'm posting this again this year because we all need more ***weird*** in our Christmas!!!
Collecting holiday music for many years will sooner or later make one realize that there are some particular holiday songs out there that are, well ... just plain strange!
This mix attempts to gather as many of these 'misfit' seasonal tunes together and give them a place of acceptance!
If you are bored of all of the stereotypical, over-played Christmas songs out there, this playlist is for you!