The hot season is once again upon us, so here we have a bitter-sweet soundtrack of sorts to ring in the summer solstice.
Depending on the brutality of the heat, I alternately find myself loving Summer one day and loathing it the next! This play list is filled with just that sentiment and mentality.
J. Whitson's most excellent mix is perfectly themed for the imminent approach of the HOT season ...
I asked him if he had anything to say about it and he replied:
"I have essentially nothing to describe my mix - which was why I didn't just pound something out before I went to dinner. Let's say it 'has songs from my youth that remind me of drives down Shelby County roads out of Montevallo, AL into Pea Ridge and points beyond and a bunch of more recent stuff that I wish reminded me of something.' I could give a song-by-song breakdown but that seems in poor taste (and would take too long)."
Nice ... So get out that ugly colorful beach towel, crack open a cold one, pass the tanning butter and TURN IT UP ... cuz it's just about to be SUMMER!