Wow wow WOW!!!
This is Chris Stewart's 7th mixtape for Psychic Tuesday and it is one of those bigger-than-life mixes that sounds more like a soundtrack to Life itself ...
It is also, hands-down his most thematic mix ... In fact, I sometimes had to check the track list to make sure either the song had really ended or that one song was another one by the same artist ... Yes, it flows that well! Many times the last note of a song is the exact same note as the beginning note of the song following it ... nice.
I'd have to say that much of this mix sounds not only very French, but also very late 60's - early 70's French ... Much of it seems like material that might have inspired the band Air.
Here is Chris to give you a little idea as to what was flickering and fluttering around in his brilliant noggin when he created such an astounding playlist ...
"I wanted to create a sound for the mood I'm forced to be in when I see hundreds of leaves fall from the trees in a gust of wind, or when I see the sun shine for a split second as it emerges in the break of an overcast sky. And what is it about those moments when you see a sunset that simply drops your jaw for you? Or those nights when you swear that you've never seen the moon that big before? It's a state of awareness that set you apart from the entire world.
This mix is my best attempt to convey these moods and feelings to the listener. Riddled with elements of spacey psychedelia, classical, jazz, lounge, and the 1960's and 70's in general, this mostly instrumental compilation would be perfect accompaniment to your normal creative process and productive tasks. It is lots of energy in slow motion. It is reluctantly adventurous. It is victory with regret. It is Blue and Golden."
This mix is my best attempt to convey these moods and feelings to the listener. Riddled with elements of spacey psychedelia, classical, jazz, lounge, and the 1960's and 70's in general, this mostly instrumental compilation would be perfect accompaniment to your normal creative process and productive tasks. It is lots of energy in slow motion. It is reluctantly adventurous. It is victory with regret. It is Blue and Golden."
Thank you again Chris, for sharing your special brand of mixability genius with us!
Thank you again Chris, for sharing your special brand of mixability genius with us!
And now, may I present to you in all of it's colorful glory, "Blue and Golden" ... ENJOY!!!
if you'd like to download it, you can RIGHT HERE.
In case ya didn't already know, I'm showing paintings at the Administrative Gallery (downstairs) at the Hoover Public Library, Hoover, Alabama ... Swing by and check em out sometime!

Also, Elise sent me a link to a great site chock full of old gravestone portraits. My favorite ones are the ones that were accidentally (or possibly purposefully) damaged and thus strangely abstracted. All of them are beautifully haunting to behold. You can view them all RIGHT HERE. Thanks, E!!!
In music news ... HEY! One of my favorite bands, Grass Widow has a brand new song out! Check it out =
It's VIDEO * TIME again!!! And Chris Stewart provided us with a slew of awesomely animated ones! Cheers, Chris!!!
Eletvonal - dir: Tomek Ducki
Aubade - dir: Pierre BOURRIGAULT
Parking - dir: Shintaro Kago
d'une rare crudité - dir: Jeremy Mougel
Automat - dir: Lucie Stamfestova
Jedné noci v jednom meste (One Night in A City) - dir: Jan Balej
Vlnená pohádka (Wool Fairy Tale) - dir: Hermína Týrlová
And now for some dessert ...
Seth Persons posted this embarrassing local Alabama bullshit, saying this : "I am so ashamed (now everyone watch this because it's hilarious, also sad for all of us, but you know, laugh to keep from crying)." ... Cheers, Seth! =
And Ryan sent me this ridiculous video by keytar master, Belinda Bedekovic ... haha ... thanks, R!!! =
Ryan also sent me this pathetic video of some over-the-top Christian kiddies reinterpreting the song "My Humps" by The Black-eyed Peas ... aaaaaah!!! =
Speaking of Christian, Ryan also sent the trailer for this soon-to-win-an-Academy-Award gem of a film, "Pregnant By The Pastor" ... haha ... danke, R !!! =
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