Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Psychic Tuesday Radio : "10 Year Blog Anniversary"

It was 10 whole years ago on a wet Tuesday afternoon that I made the 1st ever Psychic Tuesday mixtape and subsequent blog entry! This episode of PTR finds us celebrating the anniversary by listening to that mixtape that started everything : "Rainy Power Bill Mix" ... Also, along with the weekly feature, the 8 O'Clock Shuffle, this week our Locals Only label spotlight showcases bands and artists on the Earth Libraries label.

As always,

*** ENJOY ***

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Psychic Tuesday Radio : "Difficult Listening Hour"

This week’s episode of Psychic Tuesday Radio features a Locals Only label spotlight on Communicating Vessels (owned by producer, writer, recording artist, and former Remy Zero guitarist Jeffrey Cain), along with the premiere of a new monthly feature, Difficult Listening Hour, which is chock-full of strangely enticing yet ear-challenging experimental music!

As always,

*** ENJOY ***

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Psychic Tuesday Radio : "focal point - My Dad Is Dead"

This week’s episode of Psychic Tuesday Radio features a Locals Only label spotlight on Step Pepper, full of electronic and experimental music with a DIY spirit, along with a focal point on the urban, industrial sounds of the 80’s underground one man band My Dad Is Dead.

As always,

*** ENJOY ***