These 2 ultimately unique and fantastically fun mixes were created by the one and only Clay Craig. You may or may not recall that Clay is responsible for the danceably spooky Sounds From The Vault mix that I posted for Halloween back in 2010. I've known Clay for quite some time and I think it's safe to say that he definitely has a talent for not only making superb mixtapes, but making thoroughly entertaining and extremely well thought-out and thematic mixes. I have quite a collection of Clay's compilations and these 2 are among my very favorites that he's made.
I feel like both of these mixes are sort of educational, especially for folks who have an unquenchable thirst for musical knowledge (like me!) ... The 1st playlist gave me the pleasure of hearing a bunch of bands I'm familiar (and in some cases, unfamiliar) with pay tribute to other great musicians by covering their songs. With the 2nd playlist I was given the privilege of being able to hear the original versions of some songs that I once never even knew were covers!
(Speaking of covers, my very talented brother Peter Wilm did the excellent artwork for both ... Here here!)
And now, a word from Clay himself to tell you more about the Covered & Uncovered mixes =
"when i cook up a mix, i like to include songs that make you feel comfortable, before bashing you over the head with something new. an easy way to accomplish this is by pacifying the listener with a cover song. through squirting out so many mixes, i’ve developed an extreme obsession with finding good cover songs, so it was pretty painless to make a mix of just covers. i also enjoy being surprised to discover that a song i’ve been listening to for years is a cover. a few years ago i had gathered enough of these songs to create an entire mix of them. these mixes were made extra special, because peter drew the covers. my favorite was the guy under the covers. you could lift the flap and see what he was hiding. some folks have an unwavering aversion to covers, these mixes would not be for them.
rock and roll,
clay "
And here they are for your eminent entertainment ... ENJOY!!!
You can see who performed the original songs OR find out the band that is better known for their cover versions in the tracklists that are inlcuded in the download of these mixes ... Also, you get to see what Peter is hiding under the covers in the artwork, too!
Find out RIGHT HERE.
Below are 3 video examples I found of songs included in the mix.
It's interesting to see just how different how far the covers stray from the originals!
Dinosaur Jr. - "Just Like Heaven" (the cover)
The Cure - "Just Like Heaven" (the original)
Tom Waits - "I Don't Wann Grow Up" (the original)
The Ramones - I Don't Wanna Grow Up" (the cover)
Frank Sinatra - "My Way" (the original)
Sid Vicious - "My Way" (the cover)
Speaking of Clay, he and his family recently visited my place and picked up this painting I did (of his and his wife Yuri's son Wyeth) for Yuri's birthday ... dig it =

VIDEOS //\\//\\ VIDEOS //\\//\\ VIDEOS //\\//\\ VIDEOS
1st up, a ridiculously funny one by Orbital, including the mesmerizing voice of Zola Jesus =
Travis Swinford (thanks!) posted this trippy-creepy one Acid Baby Jesus, who will be playing at Eclipse in Montevallo, AL April 24th! =
Here's a very colorful one from The Horrors =
Wow. This next one (by Spiritualized) is very much NSFW ... that doesn't mean that it's not over-the-top amazing! Dig!!! =
Speaking of drag queens, Weston Flippo posted this intense clip by Big Mouth ... Cheers, Weston! =
And if that wasn't enough for ya ... haha ...
And now, some dessert to tickle yer blues away ...
This show always made me laugh, even if I was being taught some pretty valuable information at the same time ... The host was just naturally funny, I think =
And Elise (who's awesome son, Grant turns 6 today!) posted this insane Darth Vader video ... haha ... Gracias, E and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Grant! =
Lance Hays posted this strange, yet catchy Jesus video by Sonseed ... haha ... Danke! =
Speaking of haha, I think I laugh more every time I watch this next one! =
I've never seen a weather man flip out THIS much over a roach! =
And finally Ryan sent me this nice bit of bizarreness ... Merci, R ... Night night! =

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