Kraftwerk. Where and what would music (especially electronic music) be without this pioneering, prophetic and incredibly German group?
If you know nothing about Kraftwerk, then at least know this one thing : They are the forefathers of electronic music as we know it today.
Way back in the early 1970's, while everyone else was still strumming electric guitars and basses and essentially riding out the post-Beatles past, Kraftwerk were very busy creating the future ... inventing and playing synthesizers, singing about computers and robots. It is a humongous understatement to say that this band was "ahead of their time" ...
Here's Wikipedia's definition of them =
"Kraftwerk (German pronunciation: [ˈkʀaftvɛɐk], meaning power plant or power station) is an influential electronic music band from Düsseldorf, Germany. The group was formed by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider in 1970, and was fronted by them until Schneider's departure in 2008. The signature Kraftwerk sound combines driving, repetitive rhythms with catchy melodies, mainly following a Western Classical style of harmony, with a minimalistic and strictly electronic instrumentation. The group's simplified lyrics are at times sung through a vocoder or generated by computer-speech software. Kraftwerk were one of the first groups to popularize electronic music and are considered pioneers in the field. In the 1970s and early 1980s, Kraftwerk's distinctive sound was revolutionary, and has had a lasting effect across many genres of modern music."
The fact that Kraftwerk still exists today is something to celebrate. In fact, it seems that Kraftwerk will ALWAYS exist because they even invented a 24 hour global interactive music generator app that basically allows you & I (and the rest of the world) to BE Kraftwerk ... to use their instruments and make songs and adjust the music at our own will! Pure genius. You can check it out RIGHT HERE. Music non-stop indeed!
Thank you, Kraftwerk.
You can download the mix HERE.
And if that wasn't enough, I found yet another Kraftwerk mix on Mixcloud that you can listen to right now, if you're so inclined! =
And here are a slew of Kraftwerk videos, starting with this incredible and educational 3 hour documentary about the group ... ENJOY! =
So my "Silent Majority" painting exhibit is finally up at Art Folk gallery and the opening reception went extremely well! My parents were able to come and I saw a ton of my friends there. I also got to meet and talk to many many awesome folks! YES!!! If you were one of the ones who made it to the opening and/or bought a painting ... THANKS A TON!!!! And I'm also very grateful to John Lytle Wilson for believing in me enough to give me a solo show at Art Folk!
Also, Magic City Post released a wonderful article about the show (written by Emily Lowery ... THANKS, Emily!) and you can read it HERE.
A painting from the show got on the most recent issue of Black & White City Paper ... check it! =

Here's John Lytle Wilson and company putting the vinyl letters for the show =

and here's the finished product =

(More photos from the opening after I collect all of them!)
Drop by the gallery and take a look at the show if you get a chance. It'll be up all March and there's 60 + paintings and 3 video installations. The gallery is located at 1731 1st Avenue North here in Birmingham, Alabama. Do it!!!
time for some ...
V*I *D*E*O*S*
V*I *D*E*O*S*
V*I *D*E*O*S*
V*I *D*E*O*S*
V*I *D*E*O*S*
1st up ... wow wow WOW! Seth Persons (cheers!) posted the 1st Choose-Your-Own-Adventure music video and it's by Chairlift ... Brilliant! Genius! and loads of FUN! YAY!!! Now there have to be entire movies like this! =
The new and very manically paint-filled Clap Your Hands Say Yeah video =
Elise posted this marvelous Owen Pallett live cover of Caribou's song "Odessa" ... so good ... Gracias, E! =
"Flower Anthem" is the perfect title for this extremely floral-facial video by Washed Out =
Cocteau Twins ... YES! Jim Fahy sent this full concert of theirs from 1990! Danke, Jim! =
Chromatics are offering you some "Candy" =
Woah ... Keith Goodwin posted this insanely animated Subgenius video ... Merci, Keith! =
A pretty ridiculous but entertaining video from Spirit Animal =
Roy Burns (who made it to my opening with his wife and baby!) sent this ultra slowed-down Kate Bush saying "Beautiful" ... Incredible! Thanky! =
Justin Gaar made this Nasa clip - filled video to Shitego's "soaring" ... Well done! =
And speaking of old film footage, here is the krautrock band Siinai's "Munich 1972" ... nice. =
Dessert, anyone?
Peter sent me this really bizarre 1970's video by Wizzard ... It's like the Lion King meets Rainbow Brite ... yikes! Thanks, brother! =
Joy Barr posted this Disney nightmare called "Golden Girls Return From Space Mountain" care of Everything is Terrible.com ... Cheers, Joy!
Ryan sent me this amazing one called "Short Stories : Fresh Guacamole" and it's awesomely surreal ... gracias, R! =
Speaking of Ryan, he also sent me these 2 intensely funny anti-pot commercials ... haha! Thanks, again! =

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